Friday, April 3, 2009

Free Multimedia Activities for Middle School

On march 23, 2009 Eschool News website published an article about a new section on the Teacher's Domain, a library of free digital resources and fee-based professional development courses developed by Boston public television station WGBH.

According to the article,

"the new section called “Inspiring Middle School Literacy: Reading and Writing in Science and History.” These self-paced classroom activities are designed to enhance the literacy skills of struggling readers in grades 5-12. Teachers choose a science or history topic, then have students proceed through reading passages, videos, and interactive activities, using a glossary to build vocabulary and a note-taking area to submit writing assignments."

''Science topics include continental drift, transitional fossils, and behavioral adaptations for surviving winter; history topics include Mayan civilization, resisting slavery, and building the Eerie Canal. ''

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